July 26, 2011

Only five days left ...

Hello everyone, 

Yes this is really the final lap. I'm all packed up  - still need to pick up wedding dress in NJ today on my way to Malta. I was scheduled to do this on Saturday but series of events...
Anyway, I'm checked in for my flight and I'm sure everything will work out beautifully in the end...

toe accident
Yesterday, while rushing to pick up my contact lenses from my eye doctor, I stumbled on the concrete steps and wound-up with a horrible cut on my big toe - had to go to the ER and got a tetanus/diphtheria shot... It's expected that I should still be able to wear my cute wedding shoes...Excuse the non-manicured feet - I was also supposed to get a pedicure yesterday... Oh well already scheduled to get one in Malta for the wedding... I'll probably paint my toes sometime today though or at least take of the last bits of my very old nail polish...

wedding program production
Also spent the better part of yesterday and the night printing out my wedding programs (bad idea, don't leave stuff to the last minute) ... 

That's all for now - I'll update in the next couple of days while I'm in Malta and hopefully after the pre-wedding party as well...


  1. Aww....God's favor and protection on your journey to Malta and more importanly, God's blessing in this lifelong journey!... Remember to have loads of fun and enjoy every minute of it...:)

  2. So exciting! Have a wonderful wedding and a fantastic last few days as a single woman!

    Hope your toe heals up nicely!

  3. Have a fab celebration and a safe trip my dear
    Ask KoK to kiss the toes, the pain will disappear immediately :)

  4. Thanks ladies -
    @Tee - Amen & I'll definitely have fun :)
    @GNG - Thanks - it seems to be healing ok.
    @PET - Thanks, I'll show KOK this...
